Blog Summary

I enjoyed writing these blog posts over movie reviews throughout this semester by being able to input my own thoughts into these posts. Being able to freely write blog posts with my own opinions on the movies I reviewed made me feel like my thoughts on movies actually mattered. Some of the things I would like to improve about my site would be to have more creativity to add things to the posts and on the side of my blog. Having more input within my site would allow for more advertising of my social media to get more views and visitors to my site. This would allow my blog posts to become more popular and take input from visitors about what to do better.

I could have better promoted my site by advertising my posts on more social media platforms. With advertising my posts on social media more, it would benefit my site so much more by getting more input, helping make my site better, and allowing my posts to be more reliable for visitors. My best experience of the semester-long project was being able to freely have my opinion and input on reviews be reliable for visitors. This experience could benefit me in the future by letting me see what it’s like to have my own blog posts and to let my opinion on movies matter to visitors. Implementing these tools professionally in my future will let me show the creativity that I put into these posts and to show that my opinion on specific things can mean something.

My most popular week was the week of April 21st, I had three views and 1 visitor. The most popular post of the semester for me was my all of my reviews, they all had no views which is kind of bad but I believe all my posts were pretty well written. In all of the site stats date, the thing that surprised me was how I didn’t get that many views, but this could be changed by advertising my posts on social media more. I have no other social media stats that I want to share with anyone, because I only advertised my posts on my Twitter. To visit my blog you can visit it on WordPress.

Movie Review #6 – Baby Driver

Baby Driver is an action and crime film that stars Ansel Elgort, Jon Hamm, and Kevin Spacey. This movie has many known actors/actresses in it that are well known alongside the main cast such as Jon Bernthal, Eiza Gonzalez, and Jamie Foxx. Ansel Elgort is the main character in this flick and he plays the getaway driver for criminals that rob specific banks and companies. He got himself into this position at a young age by owing Spacey’s character driving jobs for the crimes he sets up. The thing that’s cool about this movie is that Elgort’s character suffers from hearing loss and uses his passion and creativity for music to help him get along through the crimes.

Throughout the film, Elgort works with different criminals when he takes these different getaway driving jobs. He suffers an intense amount of stress when put into these situations of driving away the criminals like having to outrun cops, but due to his terrific skills in driving he’s able to do it. When the amount of jobs is complete, Elgort faces a situation where he’s stuck not being able to leave the crime world. One of the last jobs he’s tasked to complete ends up going horribly wrong and he’s put into a life or death situation. The only way out is to put his driving skills to work and to hope it all works out for him.

I enjoyed this movie a lot and would consider it one of my favorites to be honest. The plot and performance from actors/actresses creates a perfect scenic view for audiences. For anyone that enjoys action and crime movies, I would highly suggest Baby Driver to anyone. One of the other great things I enjoyed about this movie was the implementation of music into the crimes and getaways, it really creates a perfect soundtrack throughout the movie. To watch this movie you can visit a streaming site called rainierland.

Movie Review #5 – Money Monster

Money Monster is a thriller and crime film that stars George Clooney and Julia Roberts as the main cast. George Clooney plays the character Lee Gates who is an advice giver for investments on his popular tv show “Money Monster”. His tv show gives advice for possible investors on what stocks to put money into with the best advice given. When bad advice is given to a specific investor, things take a turn for the worst with Clooney held at gunpoint on his tv show in front of all his viewers. To get out of this situation, Clooney must help the attacker find out where his money went with the bad investment.

The firm that loses investors a total of $800 million is responsible for this attack on Clooney’s show. This attacker on the “Money Monster” show just wants to find out where his money went. In order to find out where the money went Clooney must help the attacker trace steps back to find out how the investing firm lost $800 million worth of investors money. A wild chase that ends up taking viewers back and forth between clients and investment firms, it comes to the conclusion that the firm stole the money from investors.

If viewers are interested in thriller movies that leave them at the end of their seats for the whole firm, Money Monster is definitely the film to see. From the schemes that firms pull on investors to steal money to the investigative steps the police and Clooney take to find out how this money disappeared, this movie is for sure the thriller to watch. While it may not be the exact type of thriller movie some people enjoy, Money Monster will have you watching the whole time wondering what is going to happen next with the suspense delivered. I believe that the cast in this movie are perfect for the roles played due to the great acting performed along with a terrific plot to add everything together for a great film. You can watch this movie by purchasing an Amazon fire stick and jailbreaking it, you can purchase a fire stick from amazon.

Movie Review #4 – Prisoners

Prisoners is a mystery, drama and crime movie that came out in September 2013. The cast is filled with many known actors/actresses such as Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Terrence Howard and Viola Davis. This film includes the kidnapping of two families youngest daughters on Thanksgiving and no one has any idea what happened to them. Anyone interested in suspenseful dramas about crime should definitely try to watch this movie. The great performances from the cast makes the film that much better, along with the plot of the whole movie and how the storyline makes audiences feel as if they were feeling it for themselves.

With thrillers movies about kidnapping, everyone is brought in to show that they can feel safe in their normal days and then something happens just like that which can change the course of your life. When the Dovers and Birchs lose their youngest daughters, the fathers work together to find out what really happened to their kids. Hugh Jackman’s character, Keller Dover takes a more unorthodox approach to recovering his daughter by finding the culprit behind it all and Terrence Howard’s character, Franklin Birch just watches him do it all while feeling like it’s not the right thing. Jake Gyllenhaal in this movie is the detective in charge of the case and he understands what the families are going through, but tries his absolute best to make sure they let the police work on it and they stay out of it.

The film takes a turn for the worse when Keller Dover finds out who’s taken their little girls from them and it turns out there have been many missing cases exactly like theirs. The reveal of who it is completely shocked myself as well as anyone who’s ever seen the movie and that final release of knowing who it was will leave your mouth wide open. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys crime thrillers about kidnapping because I believe it to be one of the best that’s came out to theaters. The terrific performances from the actors/actresses adds that depth of making you feel like you’re experiencing what they are and the phenomenal plot behind the movie is what reels audiences in the whole movie. To watch this movie you can try to find it on a streaming website or rent it for $2.99 on amazon.

Movie Review #3 – Game Night

Game Night is an action, crime and comedy movie that fits all three of these genres into an action packed movie of suspense, but with the laughs it should have. The film features many A-list comedy and action actors such as Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, and Kyle Chandler. Throughout the movie there are many parts that will have you stuck to the end of your seats; while also making you laugh at the ridiculousness of the situations these people are put into and how they handle it. I believed that this movie is one of the best fit movies for the genres given and is a classic for anyone interested in movies with suspense but comedian at the same time. Movies that come out like this are so rare to have an actual good storyline and plot while also having the reviews to back it up.

A group of friends meet regularly for what they call “game nights” where they play different board and quizzing games together. When the main character comes into contact with his older brother for the first time in a while, things take a turn for the worse and this “game night” will be far different than what everyone is used to. The group finds themselves trapped in a real life kidnapping mystery where the only way to finish the game is to find out who took him and why. Everyone soon finds out when they recover the kidnapped, Brooks, that he’s been living a lie the whole time and the mystery game he set up for everyone was an actual kidnapping over a black market deal gone wrong. This reveal that his whole life has been a lie is rough for everyone and together they must figure out how to save him from the criminals that want him dead.

While this movie is rated “R”, it is definitely worth the watch for the entertainment provided within the film. Throughout the movie, there are some crazy and suspenseful scenes while also having the laughable acts to fill in the blanks. I believe this movie to be one of the best comedy movies to be released recently, especially since it came out only a year ago. Anyone that enjoys movies with witty jokes that are actually worth laughing for, and the suspense that an action/crime movie has will enjoy love this movie. If you’d like to check the reviews for yourself you can see this film got an 84% from critics and 77% from audiences on rottentomatoes.

Movie Review #2 – The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight starring Christian Bale and Heath Ledger is one of the most righteously known superhero movies came out in July 18, 2008. This movie is an action and drama movie that is still known to this day as one of the best original superhero movies. Christian Bale plays the lead role of Bruce Wayne during the day and becomes the superhero we all know as Batman during the knight. Heath Ledger is the main villain in this movie playing the notorious Joker who’s main goal is to terrorize Gotham City with his crimes. These two battle each other the whole movie which shows the many threats the Joker has to offer while Batman does his best to save the city.

Starting the movie the first crime the Joker pulls off is a bank heist that is so detailed you are stuck to your seat the whole time wondering what will happen next. The Joker uses the money to stage a series of strategically planned attacks against Gotham City and its people, each of these events is aimed at Batman and the new district attorney known as Harvey Dent. Bruce Wayne believes that he might have found a lead to the Joker thanks to Wayne Enterprises’ deals with a Chinese banker which leads Batman to Hong Kong for his next mission. During this whole back and forth of attacks against each other, the Joker has no rules in play while Batman only has one rule he follows which is to make sure Harvey Dent stays safe along with the people of the city.

Harvey Dent, Gotham City’s knew district attorney becomes involved in one of the Joker’s crimes on the city and suffers terrible burn damage which leaves him with a half burned face. After suffering from an agonizing loss of his girlfriend dying, Harvey Dent, known as a new villain called “Two-Face” does all that he can to find the people responsible for taking away the love of his life. He believes that it was the Batman’s fault for her dying because he was saved instead of his girlfriend which leads to Two-Face holding Commissioner Gordon’s wife and kids hostage while Batman is unable to do anything to save them. Batman takes a bullet from Two-Face and tackles him while he falls down the building and no one is sure either of them lived. The movie ends with Commissioner Gordon saying, “He’s a silent Guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight” as Batman runs from him and the cops begin to chase him. The Dark Knight can be watched on many different platforms, but the easiest one to watch it on would be Hulu.

Movie Review #1 – The Butterfly Effect

The Butterfly Effect starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart is a science fiction thriller that will keep you glued to your seat for the entire film. This movie captivates its audiences by allowing them to see a view of what it would be like to be able to change your life by going back into past memories. Ashton Kutcher does an excellent job at playing his character in this movie not only by his acting abilities, but his way of being able to get dedicated to his role in the film. With his given gift of being able to transport back into his past by reading diary entries and being able to change the outcome of those events, it is soon found out that he can change anything he wants in his life. This blessing, but later found out to be an almost curse will show him that his changes to his life will cause an out of control spiral butterfly effect.

Ashton Kutcher’s character known as Evan Treborn is shown throughout the movie starting as a young child to the age when he is in college. In the beginning of the film it is shown that Evan experiences these blackout moments and has no recollection of what happens during them; luckily for him in the future he keeps track of everything he’s done as a child, even the blackout moments that he does not remember. When Evan reaches the age which he is in college, he figures out that when reading these diary entries he is able to go back to that moment when he blacks out and relive it all again, this time he can change the outcome of the situation that made him blackout to change the future in mysterious ways. After going back to his blackouts multiple times, Evan has experienced different lives that he has and currently is living that are completely opposite to the one he had started out in. Every change that he makes puts him deeper and deeper into a hole that he will slowly be unable to climb out of, also resulting in brain hemorrhaging from all the different memories he has put inside of his brain.

Throughout the film Evan keeps making it harder for himself to get back to a normal life like the one he was living before he started jumping back into his blackout memories. This all ends with him almost dying and being unable to jump anymore, which is a devastating and sad ending for a guy that was always trying to make things right with the troubling past he experienced. This movie, The Butterly Effect is the first of three films that are a trilogy all representing the same basic plot construct of being able to jump back into memories and change the outcome of the future. I would suggest watching this movie first though, because I believe it’s the best out of the three. If movies of this type are an interest to you, you can visit the IMDb page about them for more info.

Introducing My Movie Blog

I’m Trevor and this is my new blog! Since an early age, I’ve always had an enjoyment for watching films of all different sorts. Movies can be enjoyed by all different sorts of audiences and are known worldwide as a great way to pass time while enjoying yourself. There are so many different types of movie genres that offers a variety of entertainment to anyone. My personal favorite movie genres would be comedies and thrillers, I believe these are the best because comedy movies can make you laugh while thrillers reel you into the plot of the movie.

This all started with my dad taking my brother, sister and I to Blockbuster every other weekend we would be with him to rent different movies to watch while we were at his house. I used to enjoy the time we would spend together watching these movies, and even though I’m away from them I still greatly love this hobby of mine. Sometimes the best is just being away from everyone or with a group of people and focusing on the enjoying a great film. I hope that with reading this blog, readers will be able to understand the plots of movies while also having deeper meanings of the movie be revealed to them.

I picture my audience for this blog to be anyone that is looking for a review of a specific movie that will fully help them in deciding what film to watch. There are many different ways to watch all sorts of movies such as apps that offer them like Netflix and Hulu, but also streaming services that you can find on the internet. Some of these apps only have a limited number of different movies, but with streaming websites, any movie is available to you just at the click of a mouse. I hope my readers will be able to take from these blog posts, the true summary of any movie they want while also understanding the basis behind the plot. To start this off a good way to watch some movies is to find a start watching on Netflix.