Movie Review #3 – Game Night

Game Night is an action, crime and comedy movie that fits all three of these genres into an action packed movie of suspense, but with the laughs it should have. The film features many A-list comedy and action actors such as Jason Bateman, Rachel McAdams, and Kyle Chandler. Throughout the movie there are many parts that will have you stuck to the end of your seats; while also making you laugh at the ridiculousness of the situations these people are put into and how they handle it. I believed that this movie is one of the best fit movies for the genres given and is a classic for anyone interested in movies with suspense but comedian at the same time. Movies that come out like this are so rare to have an actual good storyline and plot while also having the reviews to back it up.

A group of friends meet regularly for what they call “game nights” where they play different board and quizzing games together. When the main character comes into contact with his older brother for the first time in a while, things take a turn for the worse and this “game night” will be far different than what everyone is used to. The group finds themselves trapped in a real life kidnapping mystery where the only way to finish the game is to find out who took him and why. Everyone soon finds out when they recover the kidnapped, Brooks, that he’s been living a lie the whole time and the mystery game he set up for everyone was an actual kidnapping over a black market deal gone wrong. This reveal that his whole life has been a lie is rough for everyone and together they must figure out how to save him from the criminals that want him dead.

While this movie is rated “R”, it is definitely worth the watch for the entertainment provided within the film. Throughout the movie, there are some crazy and suspenseful scenes while also having the laughable acts to fill in the blanks. I believe this movie to be one of the best comedy movies to be released recently, especially since it came out only a year ago. Anyone that enjoys movies with witty jokes that are actually worth laughing for, and the suspense that an action/crime movie has will enjoy love this movie. If you’d like to check the reviews for yourself you can see this film got an 84% from critics and 77% from audiences on rottentomatoes.

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