Movie Review #2 – The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight starring Christian Bale and Heath Ledger is one of the most righteously known superhero movies came out in July 18, 2008. This movie is an action and drama movie that is still known to this day as one of the best original superhero movies. Christian Bale plays the lead role of Bruce Wayne during the day and becomes the superhero we all know as Batman during the knight. Heath Ledger is the main villain in this movie playing the notorious Joker who’s main goal is to terrorize Gotham City with his crimes. These two battle each other the whole movie which shows the many threats the Joker has to offer while Batman does his best to save the city.

Starting the movie the first crime the Joker pulls off is a bank heist that is so detailed you are stuck to your seat the whole time wondering what will happen next. The Joker uses the money to stage a series of strategically planned attacks against Gotham City and its people, each of these events is aimed at Batman and the new district attorney known as Harvey Dent. Bruce Wayne believes that he might have found a lead to the Joker thanks to Wayne Enterprises’ deals with a Chinese banker which leads Batman to Hong Kong for his next mission. During this whole back and forth of attacks against each other, the Joker has no rules in play while Batman only has one rule he follows which is to make sure Harvey Dent stays safe along with the people of the city.

Harvey Dent, Gotham City’s knew district attorney becomes involved in one of the Joker’s crimes on the city and suffers terrible burn damage which leaves him with a half burned face. After suffering from an agonizing loss of his girlfriend dying, Harvey Dent, known as a new villain called “Two-Face” does all that he can to find the people responsible for taking away the love of his life. He believes that it was the Batman’s fault for her dying because he was saved instead of his girlfriend which leads to Two-Face holding Commissioner Gordon’s wife and kids hostage while Batman is unable to do anything to save them. Batman takes a bullet from Two-Face and tackles him while he falls down the building and no one is sure either of them lived. The movie ends with Commissioner Gordon saying, “He’s a silent Guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight” as Batman runs from him and the cops begin to chase him. The Dark Knight can be watched on many different platforms, but the easiest one to watch it on would be Hulu.

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